About Us
Nick Johnson is an Illustration graduate from the Alberta College of Art + Design. Based out of Calgary, Alberta, he has provided work for children's books, advertising, animation and comic books such as WOLF HANDS and LEIGHTON RELIQUARY. Fresh from a year-long stint as the Art Director for NEW MACHINE STUDIOS, he now freelances as an illustrator and comic book artist, finding inspiration in Canadian literature, horror films, and the ghosts of utopia. Not content to spend his days drawing in the darkness, he teaches comic book workshops for kids and adults, and moonlights as the bass player for the band ME THREE. He More of his work can be found at www.nickj.ca.
Tamara Arres is a Graphic Designer born in Mexico City and has been a Comic Artist and Illustrator for as long as she can remember. She is a true believer of Superman, The Force and the phrase "with great power comes great responsibility."Tamara can be reached for illustrating, and 2/3D animation at tamara.arres@gmail.com

Sean Rinehart is a father, G.I.Joe fan, letterer, and illustrator. His lettering has graced the pages of masterpieces like Angle of Attack, Billy the Dark Elf, Campaigners, The Glory, Grief Anthology, and many other creator-owned properties. You can find his work on Comixology and contact him on Twitter @seanrinehart or www.seanrinehart.com.
Dallas Casavant is from Edmonton, Alberta, and until now had no experience or education in writing (in fact, he may or may not have just used Google to make sure "writing" had only one "t"). But after complaining about a bad movie, he was challenged to think of a better idea for story, came up with "The V-Card" and decided to start writing...or writting.
One fateful day, with the final script in his hand, Dallas walked by the most beautiful girl in the world and said to her, "Excuse me. This sounds ridiculous, but I just finished the final script for a romantic-comedy comic about a 380 year-old vampire virgin...could I use your likeness for one of the characters?" She said yes. They started dating. They bought a house. They got engaged. They got three dogs. Her name was Talia.

Talia Russell is a certified yoga instructor and clothing designer from Edmonton, Alberta, and the most beautiful girl in the world.